Seek The Father's Heart ❤
Mimi speaking on "The Signs of the Times"
My family and I just got back late Monday night from California. We were there for Branden, my brother, and his wife Destanie's wedding. The next day Mimi, my grandmother, taught on the Signs of the times in Murrieta, CA with Pastor David Ellis and in Marina Del Ray, CA with Pastor Ray Wilson. It was such an amazing time and the presence of God was so precious in the wedding and as well in the meetings.
Since I have not rested and spent quality time with the Lord as I have been traveling and helping Mimi. I went in my room this afternoon and sat before the Lord. I opened my Bible and read Jeremiah 29:11 AMP
For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you says the Lord, thoughts and welfare and peace and not for evil...
As I got down to verse 13 the scripture seemed to stand out more to me than usual.
Then you will seek Me, inquire for and require Me [ as a vital necessity] and find me when you search for Me with all you heart.
When we are reading God's Word or waiting before His presence through prayer and worship. As we are aware of the Holy Spirit inside of us wherever we go, and are obedient to His commands as He guides us through our day. We are inquiring, seeking God above anything else. The Holy Spirit is helping me and all of us as we constantly put Jesus in our minds and our words. It is so very simple and natural to do a we are made in the very image and nature of our creator. He wants to be so involved in our world when we let Him in every area of our lives.
As we inquire of Him throughout our day... Lord how do you want me to take care of this situation going in my family. What do you want me to say to my co worker who doesn't know you and your love for them?
This is part of seeking Him and searching His heart on every situation of our lives and guess what?! We do not have to know this from our head but we can be lead! God sent us the best helper who shows us things to come
John 14:26 AMP
...And He will cause you to recall ( will remind you of, bring to your remembrance) everything I have told you.
Until next time remember He is coming soon...