Step Out
So it’s been a while…. Since hosting Raise Your Voice TV, I haven’t been blogging.
So I’m back:).
Just a while ago I quickly ran into Starbucks ordered a Chai, and am now frantically typing away on my Mac for this blog. Well… just pretending to know what I’m doing…just kidding!
So just a little update, last January I started a weekly television program that airs every Friday night at 8pm central on the PTL Network called Raise Your Voice TV.
Some of Raise Your Voice TV crew
It has been one of the biggest steps of faith in my life. I am trusting God for everything in my life, and adding a television program was beyond anything I could figure out in my head. I had to trust that God was going to take care of my set for the studio, and help me speak on tv.
I felt so inadequate in myself & trusting God to help me for Raise Your Voice.
Below is one of my favorite scriptures that helps me when I’m relying too much on myself.
Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure everything out on your own. Proverbs 3:5
Sometimes it doesn’t make sense when God tells us to walk through something, but if we will stay faithful there is a Heavenly reward. The more I have trusted God with Raise Your Voice the more He has showed Himself faithful! I am enjoying doing television and I’m so thankful for the opportunity!
You may feel inadequate and uncomfortable in the destiny that God has for you, but just ask Jesus for the boldness to step out of your own limitations. Stop looking at others and follow God’s plan for your life. There’s only one you! You are valued by God.
I dare you to STEP OUT.