Diary #1: God Has Spiritual Shoes For You to Walk In
My mom, mimi, and I just arrived this past week from the SouthWest Believers Convention in Fort Worth, TX. About to head out again this weekend for CUFI in Washington, DC. Summers are usually pretty busy for travel and serving my grandmother in the ministry. I have many different shoes that I wear in this season of my life. From taking care of Mimi's flowers and running errands for her, to leading prayer at the ministry while my family is overseas. I've had people come up to me and ask me how I do everything with serving and helping my grandmother. The only thing I can say is I keep pulling on the GRACE to be in my place! Just recently Mimi was in Israel she took my mom with her this time, and I was responsible with the help of the HolySpirit to lead the ministry prayer Sunday and Wednesday!. I knew through God's help by faith to put on the spiritual shoes God has called me to walk in.
It wasn't easy on my flesh to lead prayer while my family was away. The most important phrase that I kept saying to myself during this time was God didn't call you to something He hasn't already equipped you for. Whenever God calls ...Know that He equips you for His work. Before stepping on stage most of the time it was only faith I had underneath me sustaining me. I was learning to flow with His leadings. Now I see that all I had to do was yield to Him. It wasn't about me at all. He just needed someone who would yield to Him and let Him speak and have His way.
What a humbling experience serving in this place it has been for me... God is looking for yielded vessels who will trust him, and speak his heart. It wasn't about me or how profound my words were. It was about Jesus. Letting Him speak through me. He wants to speak to you and through you. God has personal spiritual shoes that are hand-made for us to walk in to fulfill our race (Eph 2:10 AMP).
It those times of feeling unsure...knowing that my identity is in Jesus is what strengthens me. That's what it's all about. I can only do what I do through Him. He helps me. You'll see yourself doing things and knowing that can't be me that has to God. He can be glorified through you!
What has God called you to for this time? The places He has for you to go. The words He wants to speak through you... Will you let Him speak?. He needs you.
until next time diary..
(Feel free to write me in my contact page about how this blogged has helped you or any questions that you have about your prayer life.)