A Nation Of Miracles
I want to give a special thanks to everyone who has prayed for me and blessed me to go on my recent trip to Mozambique, Africa.
Wow! Where do I even begin to write about my recent adventure in Africa? I had one month to get ready for this trip and I pulled on the grace of God everyday to get done what was required of me. God supernaturally provided for me to go in less than a week, and it was confirmation to know that I was following Him.
As I stepped off the plane even though I felt the humidity creeping upon my skin, it still felt like I was in a dream—it was so surreal that I was in Pemba Mozambique. After my group got our bags situated we went on the bus heading to Iris Ministries. As we drove by, I can still see the faces of the people walking the streets who were looking at us in curiosity. It was finally sinking in my mind that I was in unfamiliar territory.
Our group was a variety of all different ages and backgrounds from all over the world. I was truly thankful for such an amazing group who were expecting from God on this trip. We all stayed in different rooms in the Visitor Center on the base of Iris Ministries. The first night we headed toward the kitchen to get something to eat before church started later that night. After we got our rice and beans (there wasn’t much room to sit at the tables) we sat down right on the floor. As soon as I sat down I saw a little boy looking at me with inquiring big brown eyes. Without even thinking I scooped him up in my arms and sat him on my lap. All at once it became clearer to me why I was lead to come to this nation— God wanted me to see a side of His heart and compassion for the poor.
In less than 24 hours, we were already packing an overnight bag to head to the bush. We were going to a village that was a few hours away from the Iris base. As soon as we arrived the children were all standing together examining us as we got out of our cars. I was eager to play with them but waited patiently as they were warming up to us. After I got my tent set up I headed over to the stage area that was set up to watch a movie about the life and ministry of Jesus.
Afterwards Mama Heidi preached the gospel, and asked if anyone in the village wanted to walk through the prayer tunnel (made up of visitors and leaders). As we were praying for each person, I looked across and saw Mama Heidi stick her fingers in the ears of a deaf man. She took her microphone, holding it up to his mouth, and had him repeat “Ma Ma” and “Ba Ba.” All the village kids started laughing because He sounded like a baby learning to talk again. He had never spoken before and we were all witnesses to a miracle.
Kids are everywhere!
As I’m standing there people are pressing in behind me pushing to see what was happening. People were expecting God to move and wanted to see for themselves the power of Jesus. Another man walked up to Mama Heidi and asked for prayer for his vision she covered his eyes with her hands and prayed over him and his vision was restored. She looked and said, “Jesus healed his eyes.” It’s hard to express what it meant to see the supernatural power of God right before my eyes. No one was trying to put on a show and impress it was just the simplicity of the compassion of God.
Praying for the mom as in the bush
Baptism in the village
Excitement was bursting within my being as I walked back to the village that night—this is what my heart has been crying out for to see miracles. Suddenly my perspective started to shift now it didn’t seem so bad to sleep in a tent in the middle of Africa. As I was getting ready for bed that night I suddenly didn’t care that there wasn’t the convenience of a hot shower to get the dirt off my feet. The fruit that I saw was worth any inconvenience I had once felt. The bright African sun woke me up early the next day even with little sleep I had eager expectation to see God work. Our team split up into groups and we went around the village praying for people. As we walked around we noticed an old woman rolled in a mat lying in the sun. We went over and asked if she needed prayer for anything. She said that she wanted prayer for her eyes. We all prayed as a group and her vision became better. I saw just a glimpse of God’s heart of love even for just one person. As we were sitting with her more people came and gathered around us for prayer. We saw more healings. Later that afternoon as we where heading back to the base, Mama Heidi wanted the village kids who received Jesus to have the opportunity to get baptized. As we were walking towards the body of water we were ordered to turn around and head back. We learned later that the villagers said the waters were infested with alligators and snakes that if bitten could kill you almost instantly. So we ended up finding a smaller safer area of water to baptize and we prayed over it. The staff asked if anyone wanted to baptize the kids. I sensed in my heart I was to go help baptize and before I knew it I was in the water. As soon as the boy who looked to be about 10 years old went under the water my arms collapsed and I dropped him. Thankfully there was a man who grabbed hold of him and the boy came back up from the water. Mama Heidi was sweet and said, “It’s OK you did a good job. This was your first baptism. Now get him filled with the Spirit.” So I marched across the unknown murky water, and prayed for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit. My left fore arm was bruised for days after dropping the boy but I didn’t care I was thankful for the opportunity.
Going to Church in Africa is much different than the Western world. They don’t have the benefits of technology that we have learned so heavily to rely on. The mommas and children come and sit down on the mats on the cement floor, and pour out their hearts to God. It isn’t a show, just the pure love of Jesus. The message preached was if you don’t quit you win. Whatever dreams God has placed in your heart to do to trust Him and not let those dreams die.
After service was over all the visitors got prayed for and the children came around placing their precious hands on our heads blessing us. As I was laying on the stage the weighty presence of God felt like a blanket wrapped over me. If we are hungry for the presence of God He will fill us when we come to Him. This verse says it all,
“Hey there! All who are thirsty come to the water! Are you penniless? Come anyway-buy and eat! …Why do you spend your money on junk food, your hard-earned cash on cotton candy? Listen to Me, listen well: Eat only the best, fill yourself with only the finest” (Isaiah 55:1-5, MSG).
The shoes Branquinho let me borrow to walk in.
The following week two widows from the church took three of us to their home for the afternoon. As we were walking on the village dirt roads filled with trash and pieces of glass, children and babies were walking up barefoot begging for our attention. I was dragging behind because my sandal keep coming a part and I was becoming a little frustrated. Branquinho (a native Bible school student at the Iris Ministries) took his shoes off and gave me his sandals to wear until I got to our destination. I observed how easily it was for him to take off his shoes for a newcomer. Branquinho’s demonstration taught me a great lesson of value that far exceeded the shoes: “Don’t do anything for selfish purposes, but with humility think of others as better than yourselves” (Phil 2:3, CEB).
Walking in the village to the widows home.
We stopped by the market place because the mommas wanted to cook for us. When we arrived at their home (which consisted of two mud huts and an open space in between where we sat down) the mommas started preparing the meal. We ended up spending almost the entire day eating, laughing, talking, and spending time with them. Another side of God’s heart was exposed to me that day: “True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties…” (James 1:27, CEB).
Todd White sharing his testimony in the bush.
Later the following week, I was honored to be asked to go on another bush outreach. Once we arrived to the village, the children were surrounding the cars and grabbing for our attention. I saw this little baby snuggled in his mother’s arms, and instantly reached my hand to touch his head. His eyes got as big as saucers and he started screaming. It suddenly occurred to me that he had never seen my kind before, and he was terrified. After about five minutes I felt a warm little hand rubbing my back and it was the little baby. The following day the leaders of the village talked to us and told us how honored they were that we came. They had all become followers of Jesus, and extended their hands towards us with loving arms. Todd White was sharing his testimony to some of the leaders of churches who were sitting down on a mat. I went over to sit on one of the benches a little overwhelmed with gratitude that I was able to sit and “listen in.”
Speaking to the leaders in the bush.
Later that afternoon I was told to pack up, as I got up off the ground and finally stuffed my tent in my bag I was covered in even more dirt. I was a little wearied physically and went over to sit down where a group of natives were listening to people minister— I was glad to get a little break just to relax from the heat of the day. Suddenly I looked out of the corner of my eye and saw Mama Heidi walking towards me. She asked me to prepare a message and told me I would speak after the man ahead of me was done. I could feel my heart start beating faster and I was like, God you’re going to have to help me do this—instantly a supernatural peace came over me. I was so thankful I had built a relationship to depend on Him to help me. I started praying in the Spirit, and I sensed in my heart to share about my testimony of making God my Father. I got up in complete faith trusting God to help me—and He did! I thank God for those times of preparation when my grandmother would suddenly ask me to speak, “Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season…(2 Timothy 4:2).
Precious children from the village in the bush.
How it made me cherish even more praying in the Spirit. We can’t do anything without the help of the Holy Spirit. He is our guide on the inside. He knows exactly what we need when we don’t know what to do. After I got back from the bush that night our team was heading back to America the next day. On the way home in the plane my heart was overwhelmed to see through the eyes of Jesus. Being raised in church and around ministry my whole life instantly my perspective was shifted. God has called us to preach the Word but he has also called us to touch the one in front of us. To see how He sees, and walk in humility the way He did: “But made Himself of no reputation, and took upon Him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men” (Phil 2:7).
Again, I want to give a special thanks to everyone who has prayed and sowed for this Mozambique trip. Love and blessings to you this coming year. And I pray that God blesses you with His favor and grace in your life like never before. May your life be a reflection of Jesus in everything He has called you to do (Ephesians 1:17).
(More pictures down below❤️)
All For His Glory
More kids from the village!
They wanted their pictures taken😊
Mama Heidi translating for the leaders in the village. I am so beyond blessed❤️.
On the boat on the Indian Ocean with some of the girls in my group!
A precious face of a little one in the bush.