Mozambique Africa - Journal #1
Where do I begin? My life has flipped upside down in only a few days here in Mozambique.
The other day was 'Children's Day' where thousands of children come to celebrate Jesus! They sing and dance for being loved on by people. Babies are strapped to their older sisters backs and watched over. They are only babies themselves and watching other babies. My heart has been changed already. Seeing children smile for just a drink of water puts things into perspective.
Ministry isn't about being known by others for our greatness. Ministry is doing what God asks of us in humility and thankfulness. Why should we want to impress men when God is the One who deserves all of who we are? We could be pleasing man with our actions but God is the One who has the final judgment.
I used to believe that ministry was only church meetings and speaking from a pulpit. This is only a small part of ministry. True ministry is loving the one in front of us. It's about knowing God in an intimate way. It's all about Jesus. Philippians 3:10
From Africa with love, Hannah Brim