You Belong To Him
As I was seeking the Lord about what I should title my blog, this thought came across my mind: You Belong To Him. God should be top priority in your life. When you asked Jesus into your heart you gave him ownership. If you want to know God intimately, then obey His commands. I can tell you this summer in Mozambique caused me to fall in love with God all over again.
The past three months in Mozambique impacted my heart in a deep way. My feet were covered with dirt from walking through the villages. I saw little girls walking around taking care of their baby siblings who were wrapped securely across their backs. I saw African Mamas who walked hours to church and worshipped with such passion. I saw babies walking around with no shoes who were desperate for your affection. One little boy would scream for me to hold him and if I put him down he would throw tantrums. I later learned that his mom was killed in an accident. I saw a part of God’s heart for the ones who are so easily forgotten.
Every morning I would get out of my bed early and spend time with God. I could feel Him sweetly working in the depths of my being. The more Jesus revealed Himself to me the more I was hungry and thirsty for Him. Let Jesus become your daily bread.
I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never go thirsty (John 6:35).
Only a few weeks before I flew to Mozambique, Africa my spiritual mother passed away to Heaven. This was a growing time for me to trust Jesus even in times of not understanding. I wasn’t able to communicate with
When you surrender your will to God it’s a beautiful thing. Freedom comes when you step out and follow God. He is looking for a yielded vessel. Mother Teresa said, "I’m a little pencil in the hand of a writing God." Allow God to write His story through your obedience to Him. Remember, you belong to Him.
Pictures below from my trip🌹
Sweet Sophia my friend from the village❤️.
Prayed over this little boy in the hut from that day on he always loved me.
My beautiful friend Flower who sat by me in church 🌺 .
Praying over the land where the University will be with Mama Heidi.
Beauty in the midst of poverty.
Teagan my missionary friend from Asia.