Is Your Heart Troubled?
Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me (John 14:1 NLT)
God commanded us to not let our hearts be troubled. The understood noun here is YOU. You are not to have a troubled heart. God is our Heavenly Father and we aren't supposed to be afraid. I remind myself all the time of this scripture in John. It's a command from our Father God.
So much is happening in the world today. I was shopping this past week and heard someone talking (more like screaming) on the phone talking about how bad everything was and could sense they were fearful. I wasn't even trying to hear what was being said. They were screaming & cursing so loudly everyone could hear! Writing this now I wonder how that person is doing. Praying that they don't have to be in torment. Fear is torment.
I love to worship God. One of my absolute favorite things is to be in a room by myself (since I travel a lot it's not always my bedroom) & worship God! Listening to anointed worship and just basking in the presence of God is what keeps me going. I love it! The other day I turned on some worship, and shortly after I sensed fear trying to grip itself over my soul. I took my authority through the name of Jesus, and finally after a few hours it let up... Friend, it was torment.
I hate the presence of fear. That's why I don't watch scary movies. It opens the door to darkness! Fear is from the devil. Jesus OVERCAME fear so we could live in VICTORY! Why are we trying to let it in? Jesus came so we could have life abundantly, which includes a life of peace (look at John 10:10).
I asked the Lord to show me why that fear came in and this was revealed to me by the Holy Spirit. This arose in my heart, "Remember that worship music you have been listening to for the past month?" I said yes..... I heard in my heart again "Remember how you had a check in your heart listening to some of the words in the songs because the verses were talking about fear." Suddenly I remembered and I knew I had a check in my heart listening to the words in the song. The song is highly anointed from God, but there is one verse where it talks about fear. I just thought to myself well I won't listen to that part because the rest of the song is powerful. My soul was listening to it, and it allowed an entry to my heart to allow fear to come in.
Guard yourself - what you hear, and what you speak. I just thought I could pass by the words of the song and keep listening to it, but YOU have to guard your heart. When we guard our hearts with the help of the Holy Spirit, fear has NO place! Take time to listen and obey those leadings or checks you have down on the inside of your heart. Let's be sensitive to what God is leading us to do and what we listen to.
Our Father God doesn't want us to be afraid.... He loves us with an everlasting love!