It's Going to Cost You Something
What price will you pay to follow God?
January is like a blank page ready to be written on...
I love January! Not just because it's my birthday month either:).... I love this month because it's a fresh start in our lives like a blank page ready to be written upon. People set goals for themselves, and have a new motivation for their lives. It's a time where we really seek God's heart for direction in our lives.
For me personally I know God wants me to be more consistent on writing my blogs.
One of the purposes of hannahsprayers is to let you know that you are not standing alone in following God's plan for your life. More than ever before, ONE THING you need to know is that it is going to cost you something to walk into the Divine Calling on your life.
You may say "Hannah what price are you talking about"? That’s a great question I would love to answer but I can’t. Only you will know what price it’s going to cost you.
You may have to pay the price of persecution...
It shouldn't be scary to obey God. It’s actually the most joyous thing you and I could ever possible do. Through the power of the HolySpirit we lay ourselves down & walk into the place Jesus has called us to! It’s a very selfless place to walk in.
You may not be understood because you stand for Godly morals. Jesus went through the same persecution, and He still obeyed his Father... And so can you obey because He gave us a helper, the HolySpirit!
There have been pivotal points in my walk & not everyone thought I was hearing from God. I knew in my heart that I had to obey God no matter what is was going to cost me. Even though it hurt I had to make a decision with the help of the HolySpirit to not let it determine my obedience.
I couldn't care what people thought and It was a price I had to pay to follow God. Looking back in my life I am so glad that I followed God, and I know I would not be able to be in the ministry doing what I do without that decision.
On our Spirit- Led journey trusting the HolySpirit to guide us...
As we are Spirit- led we have to trust the Holy Spirit to guide us. Whatever God tells us to do in 2016. God has an amazing plan for your life this next year! Will you be obedient when He speaks to your heart?
We have many examples to look at in the Bible. David was a teenager, and he chose to follow God regardless of what his family thought about him. God honored David because of his obedience to trust him. Look at Mary she told the Lord that His will be done in her life. She carried the Messiah, and she had to pay a price. Mary paid the price to what people thought about her. She paid the price to the customs that were set with her culture. Her friends probably didn’t believe her when she told them what the angel of the Lord told her. She still chose to be obedient.
Lets start off this New Year with our hearts responsive to the HolySpirit: Say this prayer with me: Lord help me be willing to obey your plan for my life. I ask for a boldness to follow you no matter what it costs. I am not trying to make something happen that’s not you. Forgive me for trying to be something I am not. I am only successful in you. Lord, I ask for a deeper hunger for you than ever before. I want to know you in a more intimate way this year(Phil 3:10).
I will be sending out monthly blogs and prayer assignments every couple of weeks with what God has placed on my heart for prayer. If you are interested in being a part please sign up.