It's In the Secret Place

It's In the Secret Place

Did you know that you can spend time with God throughout your day?

Even if you have a busy schedule you can still stay in a PLACE with Him! In different seasons of my life  and even when I'm traveling I pull on the GREATER one in my spirit. And He helps me stay in communion with Him. One way is praying in tongues under my breath where no one can here me but I am connected & depending upon the Holy Spirit.

We live in a generation where technology has advanced into ways like never before.. 

We live in a generation where technology has advanced into ways like never before.. 

We live in a generation where technology has advanced into ways like never before. I have to guard myself that I don't let anything reign over my PLACE in God. My grandmother told me a few years ago that there are DEEP PLACES IN THE HEART OF GOD but we have to take the time to seek those places. I know the other day I was telling the Lord I don't want anything to take place over You. Everything that I have accomplished in my life is because of Him. (The favor that God has granted you and me is only for His glory. People may only see the success upon your life and never see the sacrifice it took to get there.)

When you spend time in the secret place the assignment on your life will become more evident.

When you spend time in the secret place the assignment on your life will become more evident.

I use to HATE the word sacrifice until one day I found out the true definition. The word "sacrifice" in Hebrew means "to draw near."  When you spend time in the SECRET PLACE the assignment on your life will become more evident in your life. Jesus will become more real to you. There is no formula on how to spend time with God. But you do need to get to a place where there are no distractions around you. I have found that if I do this first thing  in the morning, it is easier to stay in that PLACE  throughout the day as I do my life's business. I am conscious of His Presence in my spirit.  Lift up your heart to God.. BE REAL WITH HIM. I like to take scripture and lift it up to God and say this is what your Word says God and I am trusting you to show me.  Just like David said As the deer pants after the water brooks so pants my soul after thee O God (Psalm 42)

YIELD to pray in tongues regardless of how you feel. Get comfortable in your prayer language... IT'S NOT A BURDEN TO PRAY!  There is a PLACE in God that is so pure and precious but it takes time with Him. In this place you can hear the very heart- beat of the Father. It's a place of intimacy where you experience God that effects your whole being. You can't help but fall in love with Jesus in ways you could never imagine. All the answers you need are there in Him!

I believe this is a generation so after the heart of God like never before to lay down everything that is not Him and  to trust God with everything that He has given them before Jesus returns! 



  PS Some of my favorite scriptures to meditate! Isaiah 55:1, Hebrews 4;14-16, Matthew 11:28 and John 14, 15, 16 & 17. 

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