God Just Wants to Talk With You.

God Just Wants to Talk With You.

If you are born again or "born from above; born from a higher place"  (John 3:3 in the Greek) prayer should be as natural to your spirit as breathing is to your physical body. God is a Spirit Who desires to communicate with your spirit continually. Prayer is simple, it’s communication with God. Everyday we should have fellowship with God--- the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!

Sometimes we approach our Heavenly Father like a vending machine trying to get Him to do something for us. Our Father desires us to spend time in His presence because we love Him. I heard a quote from a respected Pray-er, who’s now in Heaven, say” God is the God of the individual."  In other words God wants to have personal contact  with you. You’re not just another face!  God knows you and He seeks your fellowship. You can speak to Him  just like your talking to your best friend--very simplistic! When  I was little I would tell God what I had for lunch!

This New Year,  let God have intimate communion with you! And let His Love be Yours and yours His!

“And I have made Your name known to them, and will continue to make it known, so that the love with which You have loved Me may be in them [overwhelming their heart], and I [may be] in them.””‭‭JOHN‬ ‭17:26‬ ‭AMP‬‬



Our Last Hug On Earth- In honor of Carol Cooper