Generational Synergy
I have been honored to be around the older generation and to learn from their stories in God.I desire to know God in an intimate way and I enjoy learning from others who have pressed into God in deeper ways than me.
I believe God is raising up both generations to work together for this next wave on the earth. When both the generations come together they produce a combined effect greater than separated. I don’t believe the generations are to be separated but we are to work together as one in the body of Christ. A desire on my heart is that the younger generation seeks for spiritual mothers and fathers to learn from.
There are kairos moments that God has put in our lives as we follow Him. Kairos means an opportunity or a specific time for for an action to take place. I see kairos as a marking time, an event that happens that marks you for eternity.
I recently held a private meeting with young adults in a home with Dr. Pat Harrison, Kenneth Hagin’s daughter. This wasn’t just a meeting it was a kairos moment in time. As I was seeking God about this meeting I was reminded of when Paul reminded Timothy of his spiritual legacy with his mom and grandmother.
I believed that there was an impartation to take place for the generations and it was an appointed time.
There was such a spiritual hunger in the room after Miss Pat ministered on God’s love, she prayed for impartation for everyone. It was such a holy time and everyone was receiving from the Holy Spirit. I looked up and could see a smoke like cloud in the ceiling. I know it was God’s presence ministering to us that night.
I’m so grateful for what God did and I know that this was just the beginning for what God is doing in the generations. For we are to rise up no matter what our age is for God. We are to seek first the Kingdom of God, and not let the excuses of the past keep us from obeying God.
There is a generation crying out for the manifested presence of God, and desiring to know Him in an intimate way. It’s important that we follow God and encourage both the generations to work together for these times before Jesus comes back.
Pictures from the meeting with Dr. Pat Harrison below.
Everyone was so hungry for God.
Dr. Pat Harrison ministering on God’s love.
Worshipping God with everything.
Everyone was receiving from the presence of God.
Praying in the Spirit with both generations.