Step Out

Don’t let your inadequacies limit your obedience to God. It’s time for you to STEP OUT of your limitations and trust God!

Generational Synergy

There is a generation crying out for the manifested presence of God, and desiring to know Him in an intimate way. It’s important that we follow God and encourage both the generations to work together for these times before Jesus comes back.

Heaven's Desires

If you’re searching for answers start seeking God. As we spend time with Him, His desires start to become ours (Psalms 37:1). Those desires He gives you probably won’t happen overnight.

You Are Royalty

God has called you to be who He has made you to be for what He has called you to do for these last days. He has created you for ROYALTY. Will you carry out the assignment that He has given you? 

The Father Cares

I just want to share with you a little word the Holy Spirit gave me several months ago - it has been an encouragement to me and I believe it will encourage you as well!


Where did this year go? It seems like so much is happening and at an accelerated rate. I just came back from Australia and Hawaii right before Christmas and now it's already a new year!  I've heard my grandmother say many times before that time will be accelerated before the second coming of the Lord. 

In our culture today everyone is searching for their place in life. Seeking to find who they are in society. It seems like the constant struggle is the emptiness inside them that seems to never be satisfied.

Why Should I Meditate?

I remember all through out my life growing up in a ministry family hearing different ministers talk about the importance of meditating God's Word. As I was sitting in my seat listening to the message being brought forth I would quietly ask inside "How do you mediate?"

Trusting My Heavenly Father

These last couple of months God has been speaking to my heart about trusting Him. When I would spend time and get quiet before Him, I could sense Him asking me.. "Hannah do you trust me?" I would answer and say, "Father I do trust you, help me to trust you more."